Title: Adam Smith: Political Economy as a Policy Science

This is a version of the fifth and final chapter (though to be followed by an 'Epilogue') of a book, still in draft, on Adam Smith's political economy -- a book designed to focus upon the fundamental framework of his system of political economy, and to clarify the prehistory of its fundamental concepts. (The treatment of the prehistory of these Smithian concepts is not included in this conference version.) This chapter deals with three elements or concepts of Smith's system: 1) the progress of opulence; 2) the system of natural liberty; and 3) the relation between theory, policy and 'history'. In this context, it considers also the substantive content of his policy advocacy, and his overall conception of the place of political economy in the human sciences. To the extent that it is directed to the character of 'policy' for Smith, it goes also to the question of his understanding of governance.

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