European Society for the History of Economic Thought

2021 winners of the Young Scholar Seminar

24th Annual ESHET Conference, University of Sofia, 8-10 October 2021, "Development and Underdevelopment in the History of Economic Thought"


Vincent Carret (Université Lyon II, Triangle)
Rupture and continuity in the original divide between micro-dynamics and macrodynamics

Lúcia Centurião (University of São Paulo)
An economic advisor manqué finds a follower: Léon Walras and Étienne Antonelli

Santiago José Gahn (Roma Tre University)
Autonomous components of aggregate demand and capital accumulation in Richard Cantillon’s Essai? An inquiry through the lens of modern demand-led growth theory

Lachezar Grudev (University of Freiburg)
Friedrich A. Lutz’s internal methodenstreit

Theresa Hager, Ines Heck, Johanna Rath (University of Linz and University of Greenwich)
Competition in transformational processes: Schumpeter & Polanyi

Alessandro Le Donne (University of Genoa)
Economic theory and philosophical anthropology: Marx, Gramsci, Sraffa, and the study of human nature