Economic crises in historical perspective - ESHET workshop
December 9, 2011 - University of Salento (Lecce - Italy)
Economic crises in historical perspective - ESHET workshop
December 9, 2011 - University of Salento (Lecce - Italy)
International Workshop
Friday, December 9, 2011
4:30pm - 7pm
University of Salento
Rectorate Building
Conference Room
Piazzetta Tancredi 7
Lecce (Italy)
G. Faccarello (Panthéon-Assas University)
“Strong reactions to the first industrial crises: the many births of Christian political economy”
discussant M. Mosca (University of Salento - Lecce)
H.-M. Trautwein (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg)
“In search for macroeconomic consensus after the Great Depression: Hicks, Haberler and Lundberg”
discussant M.C. Marcuzzo (La Sapienza University of Rome)
M. Dal-Pont Legrand (University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis and GREDEG CNRS) and H. Hagemann (Hohenheim University)
“Equilibrium and the business cycle analysis”
discussant N. Salvadori (University of Pisa)