European Society for the History of Economic Thought

Gilles Dostaler Award

"I believe the students we train would end up as better economists if they had greater exposure to the history of economic thought (which, at this point, is pretty much null)" (Dani Rodrik).


The GILLES DOSTALER AWARD is an award created in the memory of Gilles Dostaler, thanks to the generosity of his widow Marielle Cauchy. This prize recognizes scholarly achievements of young research fellows working on one of Gilles Dostaler’s many fields of interest — e.g., Marx and Classical political economy, Keynes, Hayek, critical approaches to free markets theories, relationships between economics, politics, philosophy and ethics, etc. It is awarded to scholars below the age of 35 at the time of the annual conference in recognition of an outstanding article not necessarily already published or published within the two previous years. It consists of 500 euro and a waiving of the conference fee when the prize is awarded.


Nominations for the 2025 edition should be sent as soon as possible, but not later than 30 December 2024 to the Chair of the relevant panel: Michel Zouboulakis (

Please note also the following points:
Self-nominations are not accepted.
Nominations should include:
(i) Full bibliographic details of the book or article.
(ii) A short statement (in English) of why the book or article merits being considered for a prize.
(iii) An electronic copy of the book or article, if this is available.
 The final decision on the prize will be made by the Council of ESHET in Torino.
Rules for Awards
- No current member of the Council, Executive Committee or Senate is eligible for an academic prize or grant awarded by ESHET.
- Nobody can receive more than one award of the Society for the same work.
- Any member of an awarding committee needs to declare the extent of his/her institutional connections and/or extent of collaboration with the persons eligible for academic prizes. 

The list of past winners' names is available here